Every serialized Labconco product produced after August of 2021 comes from the factory with an InfoTagâ„¢ printed on its serial tag. The InfoTag is a unique QR code that will open a custom web page that's dynamically populated with information specific to your unique product. The InfoTag carries information about its labconco.com product listing, Labconco catalog number, and its serial number.
Here’s the information you’ll find (if applicable to the type of product you scan):
Quick product registration, with reduced data entry
Quick contact for application support
Quick contact for product service
Factory test results for your specific unit
Available software updates
Most recent revision of user’s manual
Instructional, installation & demonstration videos
IQ/OQ documentation
3-Part specs
Declaration of conformity
No website registration is required to download documents through the InfoTag link. You can even engage in live chat during Labconco business hours by accessing the Contact Us menu and clicking on the "Chat Online" button.