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Crisis averted: Lab equipment on demand

On February 7, 2017
Posted in

Even in the calculating world of science and manufacturing, problems can come at you fast. But when one unexpected problem arose, Customer Service Representative Becky Alexander put her experience to work to come to the rescue.

One of our Distributor Representatives was having a major issue with a mistake encountered by a lab manager who was in a hurry to get a new process up and running in her lab. The buyer had spent a lot of time focusing on finding the right fume hood for her specific application; however, she had been so focused on finding the right hood that she neglected entirely to buy a base cabinet for it, putting her in a real bind to get the fume hood installed in time.

In a panic, the lab manager and her distributor came to Becky looking for a speedy solution. The lab manager made the urgency of the situation absolutely clear. From the production facility, the lead-time for a new base cabinet was around four weeks. Based on her urgency, a standard order just would not do. After talking the problem through with the representative to fully understand the situation, Becky turned to Labconco XPress Shipping for the solution. She knew, based on the fume hood specifications, that XPress Shipping had the base cabinet they needed in stock.

The XPress Shipping program stores an inventory of readymade equipment, ranging from glove boxes to fume hoods to base cabinets, that can be shipped quickly when someone needs an item that doesn’t require custom design. Through this program, after we receive a receipt of order and upon request, products are shipped in 48 hours or less. This means that the lab manager would get the base cabinet for her fume hood much more quickly than she feared.

Even when the shipping order had been placed, Becky wanted to make sure not to let the order fall through the cracks. Throughout the shipping process, she also gave the lab manager’s distributor updates on when the package shipped, its location periodically through the shipment, and finally gave a solid delivery date while helping the distributor smooth out any concerns that the laboratory manager had.

Great work, Becky! With quick thinking, personal interest in the success of our clients and XPress Shipping, Becky was happy to make someone’s day. 

*Shipping in 48 hours or less is subject to availability.

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XPress Shipping

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