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Press Release: New Protector ClassMate Fume Hood Gets Straight A's

On February 5, 2018
Posted in Press Releases

P R E S S     R E L E A S ENew Protector ClassMate Fume Hood Gets Straight A'sFor release: January 30, 2018KANSAS CITY, Missouri – Newly redesigned and released in 2017, the Protector ClassMate full-view fume hood may not look so different, but its upgrades score high marks. High Performance

The new ClassMate meets the SEFA 1 definition of a high performance fume hood, the first classroom hood to do so. This means the new design was tested in accordance with the ASHRAE 110 test standard with the stipulations that the sash be fully open and the air exhausting through the fume hood travels no faster than 60 feet per minute (fpm) through the sash opening. There can be no more than 0.05 part per million (ppm) on average of the tracer gas Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) detected. The ClassMate test reports show it exceeded the minimum requirements, with an average of 0.00 ppm of detected SF6. 

What does this mean? During the test, a lower amount of air was exhausted to make the speed of the air travel slowly through the hood’s sash opening. The sash was completely open with a mannequin positioned in front with a sensor placed in its nose. Even with the challenges of slow face velocity and fully open sash, the sensor detected 0.00 ppm of SF6 on average.

More Service Fixtures

The previous ClassMate design fit two service fixtures per side onto the corner posts. On the new design, up to four service fixtures can be added per side, doubling the amount of service fixtures allowed. This allows further customization, without being forced to add fixtures to the base cabinet apron. These fixtures can be piped up or down to accommodate the job site requirements – a benefit not always provided by full-view fume hoods.

LED Lights

LED lights come standard on the new ClassMate, making it more energy efficient than ever. Requiring half the watts of a typical fluorescent light bulb, and providing three times the rated life hours, it is a win-win. 

The ClassMate still has full 360 degree visibility. Educators can keep an eye on their students during class and students can watch the instructor perform demonstrations in the hood. With the full visibility, and the new upgrades, the ClassMate earns straight A’s. 

Find out more about Protector ClassMate Fume Hoods